Wickedleak has launched there latest budget smartphone powered by octa core processor, the Wammy One. The new Wammy One features 5 inch display having resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. it runs on android 4.4 Kitkat os and packs with 8-megapixel primary shooter. You can also make it Aquaprotect Water Resistant but for that you have to pay extra Rs.1500.
It would compete with Huawei Honor Holly and Xiaomi Redmi Note. The Wammy One has 1GB of RAM and 8Gigs of internal storage. It houses 2800mAh battery. It features 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, FM Radio and GPS connectivity. It supports Dual SIM and houses 2800 mAh battery.
Wickedleak Wammy One specifications
- 5-inch 1280 x 720 pixels HD IPS OGS display with Dragontrail Glass Protection
- Octa-Core MediaTek MT6592 processor
- Expandable up to 32GB
- Android 4.4 Kit-Kat
- 8MP rear camera with LED Flash
- 5MP front-facing camera
- Dual SIM (WCDMA + GSM )
- 3G, Wi-Fi b/g/n,FM Radio , Bluetooth, and GPS
- 2800-mAh battery
Wammy One Pros and Cons
- Pros : CPU, Display, RAM
- Cons : None, we would review it soon so we can’t tell about any cons at-least for now
The Wickedleak Wammy One is priced at RS 7,990 and is available in Black with Grey and White with Gold color. You can buy / preorder it from company’s official website. Company is also offering free flip / protective cover and screen guard free with the device.