Sony Xperia M that a was announced few months back is now available for Rs 14490 with DUAL SIM support. But this variant is named as the Sony Xperia M Dual. It is the best budget smartphone from the Sony that comes with sturdy specifications and features. The single SIM variant is already selling across the India and now is the time for Dual SIM model.
The M-Dual would compete with Samsung Galaxy Core, Galaxy Grand (Hands on review), Galaxy S Duos, Nokia Lumia 520, Lumia 620, Xperia J, I and Xperia C.
Specifications & Features
Sony Xperia M Dual
The Sony Xperia M Dual comes with 4 inch Capacitive touch screen display which offers WVGA resolution (800x 480 pixels). It has 1-GHz Dual Core Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8227 processor with 1GB of RAM and Adreno 305 GPU. The Sony M Dual runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS and it is 9.3mm thick, further weighs 115 grams. It packs with 5 megapixel auto-focus primary camera with Flash and a 0.3MP front facing camera as well.
Talking about the storage it has 4GB of ROM (internal memory), further you can expand the memory via microSD card slot up to 32GB. The M dual has NFC, GPS / aGPS, Bluetooth v4, DLNA, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, 3G, 2G, FM radio with RDS and Micro USB port. The handset is powered by 1750mAh battery. The Price of Sony Xperia M Dual is Rs. 14490 and it comes in black, white and purple colors.