Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Note 12.2 non-LTE variant, the SM-P900 has been spotted at FCC. The SMP900 would have 12.2 inch display with 2560x 1600 pixels resolution and IGZO technology. The new sketches of the tablet also reveals that it will have integrated slot for stylus. Recently the SM-G7102 with 5.25 inch HD display was leaked, which is rumored to be a low cost alternative of Note3. It will run on Android 4.3 jelly bean operating system with heavily customized UI. The launch / release date and pricing of the device is not known yet.
Samsung Galaxy Note 12.2 SM-P900 specifications (Rumor)
- 12.2 inch display with 2560×1600 pixels resolution
- Bluetooth v4.0 Le, WiFi 802.11 ac, 3G, 4G LTE / optional
- Stylus Spen
- Android 4.3 Jelly bean OS
- 1.9GHz quad core Exynos 5 Octa-core CPU