Pantech has launched its latest flagship android smartphone the Vega Secret UP. The phablet Vega-UP comes with amazing sort of specs and features. It has 5.3 inch Full HD 1080p Display, 2.3 GHz Snapdragon 800 CPU, 2GB RAM and Adreno 330 GPU to boost the device.
The Vega-Secret UP packs with 13-megapixel rear shooter and 2MP front camera. It has 16GB of internal memory and you can expand it up to 2TB via micro SD card slot. It houses 3150mAh battery to make the phone alive. The handset run on Android 4.2.2 Jelly bean operating system.
The Pantech Vega Secret UP features 3G, 4G, LTE, WiFi a/b/g/n, Micro SIM, GPS and Bluetooth v4.0. Ot is 9.5mm thick and weighs about 173 grams. The company has integrated FLAC support plus Qualcomm DRE audio technology to make the multimedia experience much better.
It SecretUP also has Fingerprint sensor for improved security. Pantech is selling a special flip case that will amplify the phone’s sound in different ways, seems to be quite interesting. It will be available in white and black colors and it will go on sale in Korea by this month. The price is not announced yet and there is no word to say about its international availability.