So finally, Micromax has launched the new tablet in Canvas Series with impressive features, the Canvas Tab P650. The tablet comes powered by 1.2GHZ Quad-core processor. The device has Full Aluminum body. We think this is the perfect tablet, for which people are looking from the company. It comes with pre-loaded apps like Spuul, Kingsoft Office, Mi Zone and Opera. It is the latest product from the company after the recently launched Funbook P255.
Canvas Tab P650
There is 2-megapixel camera and 8″ IPS capacitive touch screen display (1024*768 pixels) on the front of TAB. If you see the device carefully, you may notice that its design resemble with Micromax Canvas Doodle 2. At the back of the device there is 5MP camera, the company’s Logo and Loudspeaker grill. On the right of the tablet there is SIM card Slot, power button and volume up-down Button. At the bottom of the handset 3.5mm audio jack, micro SD card slot, HDMI port, USB V port and Microphone is placed. It has full Aluminum body construction which makes it more robust.
Micromax Canvas Tab P650 Specifications
The Canvas P650 is not just a simple Tab but also a Mobile Phone. You can make voice calls and Video calls as well. It has in built 3G SIM card slot and it will offers up to 42Mbps downloading speed on 3G network. The Micromax P650 Canvas comes with 8-inch IPS display that has 1024×768 pixels resolution. It draws the power from MT8389 1.2GHZ Quad core processor paired with 1GB of RAM. Android 4.2 Jelly bean operating system is there to make the hardware run. It packs with 5MP autofocus rear camera and 2 megapixel front facing camera. The handset is capable of recoding 768×1024 resolution videos and Full HD 1080p playback. Talking about the connectivity options it has 3G HSDPA 42Mbps HSUPA 21Mbps, 2G, Bluetooth v3.0, Wifi, V type USB port with OTG support, Microphone and mini HDMI port connectivity. It comes with 16GB of ROM ( on-board storage) out which 11.07 GB can be used by user and further you can expand memory by inserting MicroSD card up to 32GB. The P650 Tab is powered by 4800 mAh battery that claims 10 hrs of talk time and 400 hours of standby time. It also features Video or Browser Pinning and Look Away to pause feature (the video will be paused when you look away from the screen / smart-pause). Xolo TAB-Qc800 would be its competitor.
Overall the Micromax Canvas Tab P650 is good tablet and it’s specs would impress the customers. It will soon available for purchase from retailers across India. The price of the Canvas P650 is Rs. 16,500 and it comes in white and blue color.