For better ranking, more traffic and better SEO ( search engine optimization) you have to add meta tags in a proper way. Always remember that the CONTENT IS ALWAYS KING . Yes if your content should be unique and contained good amount of words. There are several things that can heart SEO and your site traffic as well. So WHAT to do ?
- Meta Keyword TAG
- Meta Open Graph Tags
- ADD noydir and noodp Meta Tags
- WordPress SEO, a Search Engine Optimization Guide and Tips
The meta tags are something which nowadays liked by many search engine. Actually the meta tags tells the search engine what the content is all about. META TAGS SEO EXAPLES :
<meta name=”robots” content=”noodp,noydir“/>

<meta name=”description” content=””/>
There are several plugins that can automatically generate META TAGS for your website, but we recommend you to install SEO plugin for the same work. WordPress SEO Yoast plugin and All in one SEO are the most famous search engine optimization plugins.
Meta description tag should contain the main keyword and it must be less than 150 words. It tells the search engine about what the content is all about. Write impressive meta description that not is not just for Google, BING , Yahoo or but also for viewers. If you don’t have SEO plugin and you don’t want it , then install some Meta description generator plugin. In yoast plugin you can see this kind of box below your post to write the same.
Meta Keyword TAG
Meta keyword tag is also used by many popular and starter websites. But it doesn’t helps in Google’s page ranking, according to Matt Cutts at Google. But Other search engines uses them. The keyword tag should include the main keywords of the article.
Meta Open Graph Tags
If you include this Meta TAG it will add bit more SEO to your site . Actually this is based on Social Media.
ADD noydir and noodp Meta Tags
These tags prevents search engines from using the DMOZ and Yahoo directory description for pages.
WordPress SEO, a Search Engine Optimization Guide and Tips
- Write Daily.
- Write Unique , original and search engine friendly content.
- Do not copy content from other websites, Google hates it and can punish you.
- Use <b> or <strong> to highlight the keyword.
- Use proper Keyword search.
- Don’t hesitate to share source link.
- Do internal linking to get more traffic.
- Install A good theme with less errors and SEO friendly.
- Moderate the comments before making them live.
- USE less ads and more content.
- Speed up your site, Google loves it, install WP super cache.
- Check Broken Links if you found any fix it.
- Write Guest article.
- Your content should be for your viewers not just for Search engines.
- Do not over optimize, adding more keyword lead this.
- Use proper keyword density. Should not increase more than 2 when you have written 300 words.
- Write on latest topics for more traffic.
- Write Better Meta description.
- Always include an image with your post or article, it says more than words.
- Share your content on Social media sites like Facebook, twitter, Google +.
- Add Google + share button.
- Increase Social Media fans, followers on Facebook and twitter.
- Install WordPress seo plugin that can add META TAGS on header of the site.
- Use better Permalinks.
- ( VERY IMPORTANT) Create XML sitemap for the site and images and Submit it to webmaster tools. This is the only way to get your site on search engine.
- Engage the viewers by adding Related Posts Widget.
- Submit your sites to major Search engines and Directories.
- Add Google+ Authorship.
Google Likes
- Unique content is KING.
- Fast loading time, The Speedy Site.
- Less adds.
- Daily writing.
- Google + Authorship.
- Google +1 share button.
- More length of content.
ALSO READ BEST SEO TIPS and How to write seo friendly blog post for better ranking. So add Meta Tags and enjoy. FOR MORE SEO RELATED ARTICLE visit