Kobian has launched there latest 3G voice calling tablet, the Mercury mTAB Air. The tablet comes with some top specs, especially at this price tag. The new Mercury m TAB air is powered by 1GHz dual core processor based on MT8312 chipset. It tablet runs on Android 4.2 Jelly bean OS and support DUAL SIM. It has 7. 85 inch IPS display with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution.
The Kobian Mercury mTAB air has 2 -megapixel rear camera and a VGA front camera. It houses 3800mAh battery and support 3G via SIM card slot (WCDMA, GSM / EVDO ). It also features Bluetooth, WiFi,GPS and Fm radio.
The mTab Air comes with one year of warrant and is priced at INR 10,999. It would go on sale by first week of March.
Mercury mTAB Air Specifications
- 7.85-inch 1024 x 768 pixels capacitive touch IPS screen
- 1 GHz dual core MediaTek MT8312 processor
- Android 4.2 OS
- Dual SIM
- Voice Calling
- 2MP rear camera
- VGA front camera
- 8 GB internal memory
- 3G, WiFi b/g/n, Blutooth 4.0, FM radio, GPS, USB OTG
- 3800 mAh battery