Kobia (Mercury) has launched a new Dual SIM tablet, the mTab streaQ Duo. The handset comes with quite nice features, it would compete with recently launched Swipe Halo value+. It has 7-inch capacitive touch screen display and is powered by 1.2GHz dual core processor paired with 1GB of RAM. Thanks to the dual SIM support, which allows the users to make voice calls and 3G data connectivity. The price of the tablet is not announced yet and it would go on sale by next month.
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Mercury mTab streaQ duo specifications
- 7inch capacitive touch screen display with 1024 x 600p resolution
- 1.2 GHz dua-core CPU
- Android 4.1 Jelly bean OS
- Dual SIM
- weight- 320g
- 2MP primary camera
- VGA secondary camera
- 3100mAh battery
- 3.5mm audio jack
- 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi