LG has Officially launched the LG G2 in INDIA. The handset was announced last month and it comes with 5.2 inch Full HD IPS display at 423 PPI. The G2 comes with many features and Specifications that makes it a static competitor / Rival for Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Xperia Z1, Xperia Z ultra, Nexus 4, Note 3, G Pro and iPhone 5S.
The LG G2 comes with features like Knock-ON, Guest Mode, Rear KEY,OIS camera and Audio ZOOM. The LG G 2 has 5.2inch capacitive touch screen display having Full HD 1080p resolution at 423ppi. The handset is powered by 2.26GHz quad core Snapdragon 800 MSM8974 processor integrated with 480 MHz Adreno 330 GPU and runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly bean (upgradeable to Android Kit kat 4.4 and 4.3 ). The handset is 8.9mm thick and weighs 140 grams. The G2 has 13-megapixel OIS primary camera with LED flash and 2.1 megapixel front facing camera. The device is capable of recording Full HD 1080p videos at 30fps and supports FHD playback as well. To power the smartphone there is 3000mAh battery. Talking about the memory the device comes with 2GB of RAM, 16GB/32Gb of ROM (internal memory).
The LG G2 comes in Black and White colors and the Price of 16GB & 32Gb variant is RS 41,500 and 434,500 respectively. The device is available in the India Market.