Lenovo has officially launched its latest flagship smartphone, the Vibe X in India. The specs of the Vibe-X are quite impressive but the price of the may dissapoint you. Also it is a single SIM phone and has 2000mAh battery. There are several handsets in the market that can compete with it, such as Gionee Elife E6, Micromax Canvas Turbo and Intex Aqua i7. The thins that would attract you are its light weight and its thickness, which is just 6.9mm.
Lenovo Vibe-X specifications
- 5-inch Full HD IPS display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection
- 1.5 GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6589T CPU
- Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
- Micro SIM
- 13MP auto focus camera with LED Flash
- 5MP fixed-focus front-facing camera with 88 degree wide angle lens
- Full HD 1080p recording and playback
- Dimensions – 74mm x 6.9mm x 144mm; Weight: 121g
- 3G, Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth with A2DP, aGPS and FM radio
- 16GB ROM
- 2000 mAh battery
Lenovo Vibe X
The Vibe X comes in Silver color and is priced at RS.25,999.