Lenovo S660 has been officially launched at price of RS 13,999 in India. The Lenovo S-660 has some nice specifications, when it comes to true review. It was announced at MWC 2014. It comes with 4.7 inch 960 x 540 pixels qHD display and draws the strength from 1.3GHz quad core CPU accomplished with 1GB of RAM. It houses 8 -megapixel primary shooter with LED flash and a VGA front camera. The S 660 comes with many apps that are customized for better user experience.
It has 8 gigs of internal storage and is 9.95 mm thick. Like other smartphones nowadays it also supports DUAL SIM. The Levono s 660 would compete ( VS / Rival ) with Micromax canvas Power A96 and Micromax A177 Canvas Juice. It is powered with 3000 mAh battery which offers 10 hours of talk time on 2G network.
Lenovo S660 Specifications
- Display : 4.7-inch (960 x 540 pixels) qHD display
- CPU : 1.3 GHz quad-core MediaTek MT 6582m
- RAM : 1Gigs
- ROM : 8GB
- Expandable storage : 32Gigs
- OS : Android 4.2
- Sim card Slots : Dual SIM (GSM)
- Camera : 8MP rear with LED Flash, 0.3MP front
- Dimensions : 9.95mm thick
- Weight : 151 garms
- Connectivity : 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS/A-GPS
- Battery : 3000 mAh battery