Lava has officially launched its latest dual core smartphone, the Iris 405+. It comes powered by 1.3GHz dual core CPU and runs on Android v4.2 OS, It packs with 5-megapixel camera with led flash and VGA front camera. It has 512MB of RAM, 1400mAh battery and dual SIM support. The company has not made major changes in th phone over its predecessor, Iris 405. It has 4inch WVGA display plus 3G support.
Lava Iris 405+ Specifications
- 4-inch capacitive touch screen display with 800×480 pixels resolution
- 1.3 GHz dual core processor
- Android 4.2 Jellybean
- Dual SIM
- 5MP AF camera with LED flash,
- VGA front camera
- Dimensions – 64x125x9 mm
- Weight 127 grams
- 512MB RAM
- 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth with A2DP, aGPS and FM radio
- 1400 mAh battery
The Lava Iris 405+ comes at very affordable price of INR 6999. It is aviavalbe in white and black colors. It would be a good option to buy over large screen dual core who doesn’t offer 3G support.