Lava mobile has launched a new tablet with Dual SIM and other amazing Specifications the E-TAB IVORY. This tablet can make Video / voice calls and user can access 3G network by inserting 3G SIM card. Considering the specs and Price of the tablet seems to be a Rival for Micromax Funbook P410 mini. The company has also announced the M-TAB recently but it lacks SIM card slots. Xolo has also introduced Xolo PLAY TAB 7.0 with Nvidia Tegra 3 processor.
It has 7inch capacitive touch screen display with 1024×600 pixels resolution, to provide enrich multimedia experience to the user. It gains the power fro 1.2GHz dual core Mediatek processor paired with 1GB of RAM and POWER VRSGX531 GPU which is clocked at frequency of 500MHz. To make the hardware of the tablet run there is Android4.1 Jellybean operating system. It packs with 2-megapixel primary cam and a VGA front camera.
- 3G voice calling
- 1.2 GHz dual-core CPU
- 3000 mAh battery
- 7 inch (1024x600p) HD display
- Silver color with metallic finish and white Bezel
- 10.8mm thick
- 5hours battery backup
- 2MP rear camera
- 0.3MP primary camera
- 4GB internal memory
The price of Lava E-TAB IVORY is RS.10,199 and it will be available for purchase before November. The tablet comes pre-loaded with HD GAMES and other Entertainment apps to enrich user experience and to make the tab more approachable.