Kawasaki India has launched the Kawasaki Z1000 naked and the faired Ninja 1000 at INR 12.5 lakh. Both the bikes features the four cylinder engine and it gains the strength from 1043CC liquid cooled DOHC 16 valve in line 4 engine with dual fuel injection that gives out 142Bhp and 111 Nm of torque.
Both the bikes has six speed transmission and 3 mode traction control sytem with power selection mode. Both Z100 and Ninja 1000 comes with twin spar alloy frames, the Ninja Zx 10R with fully adjustable upside down telescopic front suspension.
Type: Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke In-Line Four
Displacement: 1,043 cm3
Bore and Stroke: 77.0 x 56.0 mm
Compression ratio: 11.8:1
Valve system: DOHC, 16 valves
Fuel system: Fuel injection: ø38 mm x 4 (Keihin), with oval sub-throttles
Ignition: Digital
Starting: Electric
Lubrication: Forced lubrication, wet sump
Transmission: 6 speed, return
Maximum power: 104.5 kW {142 PS} / 11,000 rpm
Maximum torque: 111 N.m {11.3 kgf.m} / 7,300 rpm
Type: Twin-tube, aluminum
Wheel travel: Front: 120 mm
Rear:122 mm
Tyre: Front: 120/70ZR17M/C (58W)
Rear: 190/50ZR17M/C (73W)
Brake Front: Dual semi-floating 310 mm petal discs
Caliper: Dual radial-mount, monobloc, opposed 4-piston
Brake Rear: Single 250 mm petal disc
Caliper: Single-piston
Overall length: 2,045 mm
Overall width: 790 mm
Overall height: 1,055 mm
Wheelbase: 1,435 mm
Ground clearance: 125 mm
Seat height: 815 mm
Curb mass: 221 kg
Fuel capacity:17 Litres
Kawasaki Ninja 1000 SPECIFICATIONS
Type: Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke In-Line Four
Displacement: 1,043 cm3
Bore and Stroke: 77.0 x 56.0 mm
Compression ratio:11.8:1
Valve system: DOHC, 16 valves
Fuel system: Fuel injection: ø38 mm x 4 (Keihin), with oval sub-throttle
Ignition: Digital
Starting: Electric
Lubrication: Forced lubrication, wet sump
Transmission: 6 speed, return
Maximum power: 104.5 kW {142 PS} / 10,000 rpm
Maximum torque: 111 N.m {11.3 kgf.m} / 7,300 rpm
Type: Aluminium twin-tube
Wheel travel: Front: 120 mm
Rear:138 mm
Tyre: Front: 120/70ZR17M/C (58W)
Rear: 190/50ZR17M/C (73W)
Brake Front: Type: Dual semi-floating 300 mm petal discs
Caliper: Dual radial-mount, monobloc, opposed 4-piston
Brake Rear: Type: Single 250 mm petal disc
Caliper: Single-piston
Overall length: 2,105 mm
Overall width: 790 mm
Overall height: 1,170 mm/1,230 mm
Wheelbase: 1,445 mm
Ground clearance: 135 mm
Seat height: 820 mm
Curb mass: 230 kg
Fuel capacity:19 Litres