Karbonn A25+ is now available at price of RS 5424 from Snapdeal India. The Karbonn A25+ Smart comes with entry level Specifications. It is Dual SIM Phone with 512MB of RAM and dual core CPU. The phones lacks the 3G Network support, so data access will be limited to 2G ( EDGE / GPRS ). The A25 Plus has eye catching look and design.
Karbonn A25+ Review
The Smart A 25+ has 5 inch display with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. It gains the strength from 1.3 GHz dual core processor and runs on Android 4.2 Jelly bean OS. The phone is accomplished with 5-megapixel primary camera with Flash and a VGA secondary shooter. It offers Bluetooth, WiFi, 2G, Fm radio and micro USB connectivity. The A25+ would compete with recently launched Videocon A29, Karbonn Titanium S1 Plus and iball Andi 4.5D Royale ( all with 1GB RAM & under RS 7,000 ). It houses 1800 mAh battery and has 4 gigs of internal storage.
Karbonn A25+ Specifications
- Display : 5inch FWVGA
- CPU : 1.3 GHz 2-core
- RAM : 512MB
- ROM : 4 GB
- Sensors : Light, proximity
- OS : android v4.2
- Camera : 5MP rear and VGA front
- Battery : 1800 mAh
- Connectivity : 2G, GPRS, WiFi b/g/n, Fm radio
The new A25-plus is available in White color and you can buy it from Snapdeal.