Karbonn A19, the company’s latest dual core smartphone is now available from Snapdeal. The handset comes with entry level specs, but the price tag makes the every thing ok. The handset comes with 1.3 Ghz dual core processor and a 5 inch Fwvga display.
It packs with a 8MP rear camera and a VGA front camera. It has 512MB of RAM and 4GB of Internal storage plus micro SD card slot for further expansion. The Karbonn A19 has 1600mAh battery, which would not be enough for a 5 inch device. The phone runs on Android v4.2 Jelly bean OS and has Dual SIM support.
- 5-inch 480 x854 pixels display
- 1.3GHz Dual CORE CPU
- 512MB of RAM
- Android 4.2
- 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS and FM radio
- 1600 mAh battery
- 8MP rear shooter
- VGA front camera
It features 3G, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, FM radio and micro USB connectivity. The Karbonn A19 is priced at RS 6477 and is avialable from Snapdeal in White color.