ICE-X electronics has launched two new budget android tablets with some nice specs, the Xtreme Pro and Xtreme Connect. Both the tablets X treme tablets supports Dual SIM capability and has 1GB of RAM. The tablets will compete with recently launched Videocon VT85c and Micromax Funbook P410 mini.
Ice Xtreme Pro specifications
- Android 4.1 Jelly bean OS
- DUAL SIM with 3G network support
- 1.0GHz dual core cortex A9 CPU
- 7inch capacitive touch screen display with 1024x600p resolution
- 32GB Expandable memory
- 2MP shooter and VGA webcam
- Stereo Speakers
- 3G via SIM, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi, GPRS
- weight : 330 grams
- Dimensions : 195 x 123 x 11.7 mm
- 12.58 Wh battery
- micro USB with OTG
ICE X-treme Connect SPECS
- Android v4.1 Jellybean OS
- 1GHz Cortex A9 processor
- 8GB internal storage
- 7 inch 1024 x 600 pixels display
- 2MP rear and 0.3MP front cam
- 3G via dongle, 2G, EDGE, GPRS, HDMI port, WiFi, Bluetooth, AGPS
- 11.1 Wh battery
The extreme Pro is priced at INR7999 and the Xtreme is priced at RS6666. The pro tab comes in Royal Blue color, while the Connect comes in Black and white colors. The tablets are available for the purchase from online retailers, Snapdeal.