iBall Andi 5 E7,a budget dual core smartphone recently went on sale on online retailer Snapdeal. The Andi-5 E 7 comes with 5inch display, 1.3GHz dual core processor, 512MB RAM and Android 4.2 Jellybean operating system. It will compete with recently launched Micromax Canvas juice A77.
It is dual SIM 3G smartphone with 5 inch FWVGA display and 1850mAh battery.
iBall Andi 5 E7 specifications
- 5inch 854×480 pixels display
- Dual SIM
- 1.3GHz dual core CPU
- 512MB RAM
- 5MP rear camera with Flash
- VGA front-facing camera
- 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, Fm radio
- Android v4.2
- 1850mAh battery
The 5 E7 is priced at 6,999 and the official launch is expected soon. You can buy it from flipkart and amazon.