How to Fix solve Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0 in Android Google Play Store

The Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0 arises when Android Google Play Store faces an Error retrieving information from the server. The “Error rpc:s-5:aec-0” would be caused due to Play store updates and cache. So we have to uninstall the updates to get rid of this problem. Follow the instructions below to perform this action.

Solve Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0 in Google Play Store

Solution : Uninstall Updates and Clear Cache

  1. Go To Settings
  2. Select Manage Applications or APPS Manager
  3.  Tap on ALL
  4. Scroll and Look for “Google Play Store”
  5. Clear Cache and Clea Data for the APP
  6. Click on Force Stop
  7. Select Uninstall Updates
  8. Reboot you phone
solve Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0 in Android Google Play Store

Now do the same process with Download Manager, Google Play services and Google Services Framework.
