The Error 481 in Android Google Play Store, occurs due to memory issues or due to error with account. The Error code 481 can be solved using the below methods. Before trying any solution first make sure the WiFi or Cellular Internet connection is working fine, if not try to diagnose it first and then try to download or install the app from play store.
Fix Error 481 in Android Google Play Store
As you know the error 481 could be occurs due to memory issue, which can be ROM / SD card storage / Cache memory. But this error mostly get solved by deleting some unused apps or by freeing the SD card memory or by clearing cache.

Solve Error Code 481 in Android Google Play Store
Solution 1: Free memory card space by deleting unused Apps or content. Also free up the Phone internal storage. It should solve the problem.
Solution 2:
Remove the Google Account and re-add it. Also try with an alternate gmail account.
Solution 3: Clearing cache and Data for Google Apps
- Go to Settings
- Select to Application Manager or Apps
- Under All , look for Google Services Framework
- Clear Data , Clear Cache and Click Force Stop
- NOW do the Same With Google PLAY STORE, Google Play Services, Download Manager
- Reboot your Phone, it should be working fine now