Dell India has launched new laptops in the Inspiron series in India, the Inspiron 700 and 11 3000 series. The laptops comes with high end specifications, specially 7000 series that starts from INR 69,000.
Dell Inspiron 11 3000
The the Dell Inspiron 11 3000 series basically meant for ultra-portable laptops. The Dell Inspiron 11 has 11.6 inch 10 point multi touch capacitive touch screen display, 2x microphones, front WEBCAM and powered by Haswell series CPU with Intel HD Graphics 4400. It is only 21 mm thin which makes it easy to carry and place and weighs about 1.4KG. It promises to offers 8 hours and 20 minutes of battery life.
Dell Inspiron 7000 Specifications
The Dell inspiron 700 series Laptops comes with some high end specifications. You can opt for Intel 4th generation Haswell Core i5 or i7 processor to power the laptop and SSD options to speed up boot and app loading time . The Inspiron 14 is 15.5mm thich while the 15 is 23mm thick, so overall both are quite slim. These series laptops are meant for powerful performance and comes 10 point multi touch display with edge to edge Corning Gorilla Glass NBT. If you want to make the laptops more fancy and eye pleasing then the Inspiron 14 and 15 can be configured with FULL HD 1080p , vibrant 300 nit display. The Inspiron 14 7000 series offers 8 hours and 52 min battery life, while the 15 7000 has a battery life of 6 hours and 17 min.
The Price of Dell Inspiron 11 300 series starts from RS 32,990 and the Inspiron 7000 Series laptops range starts from RS 68,990.