Celkon launched the AR45 and AR50 android smartphones in Rahmanishq series few week back and now the AR-40 RahmanIshq is launched at very affordable price. Overall the specs are quite similar to AR45 and AR50. It packs with a 4inch display and draws the strength from 1.2GHz dual core CPU.
Celkon AR40 specifications
It has a 3.2MP front facing camera with Autofocus and LED flash and a front facing camera. The AR40 has Android 4.2 operating system to make the hardware alive. It houses 1500mAh battery and has Dual SIM card slots.
The Celkon AR40 has 512MB of RAM, 4GB of ROM and further expandability via microSD card slot. It features 3G, 2G, WiFi, GPS, FM radio, OTA and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity. The handset is priced at RS6000 and would be available in stores by the next month.