Celkon has launched a budget android smartphone with entry level specifications the Campus A15. The Price of the handset may impress you but it also lacks 3G feature. The mobile pone has 3.5inch display with 480×320 pixels resolution, Dual SIM card slots, 1GHz dual core processor and Android v4.2 Jellybean operating system. The company’s recently launched AR45 RAHMANISHQ is creating huge buzz,since launched. It comes preloaded with Games apps to allure users and Zapya Sharing app which lets the users to transfer data by shaking the phone. It has 256MB of RAM, 512MB of ROM, 32GB via micro SD card and is powered by 1400mAh battery. The Celkon A15 Campus features 2G, EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP, GPS and packs with 3.2MP camera. The handset is priced at RS. 3,999 and comes in White color.
Celkon Campus A15
- Android 4.2 OS
- 1.0 GHz dual-core processor
- 3.2-megapixel camera
- 2G (EDGE), Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, FM Radio
- 256MB of RAM
- 512MB of RAM
- 1400 mAh battery
- 3.5 inch (480 x 320 pixels) capacitive touch screen display