Asus has officially launched WL-330NUL in India. The WL330 Nul is the world’s smallest router. It comes with a single internal antenna, 1x 100 / 10Mbps WAN, Standard USB port and RJ-45 Ethernet port. It is priced at RS3500.
Asus WL-330Nul specifications
The Auss WL-330Nul weighs just 17.5 grams and has Dimensions of 6.5 x 2 x 1.5cm. It comes with Ac power adapter to power the device. You can share Internet on multiple devices (laptop, smartphone, tablets) with this router. The device is portable and would help people who travel frequently.

You can also connect the device with Ultrabooks via USB, WiFi. It will be really helpful for those who owns a laptop, desktop but all that lacks Ethernet port (may be damaged). The operating frequency of the device is 2.4GHz and it features DHCP server, one click management and NAT firewall.