The computer is one of the most widely used technology for many purposes. It is something very helpful for people in various fields/sectors to increase the efficiency of their work. Today, computers have reduced most of the work-load of the people as it is capable of doing various operations at extremely high speed with more accuracy within a short period.
- The Uses Of Computers In Various/Discrete Fields:
- Computers In Business Terms:
- Computers In Education Terms:
- Computers In Health/Medicinal Field:
- Computers For Banking:
- Computers In Marketing:
- Computers in Entertainment:
- Computers In Military:
- Computers For Government:
- Computers In Indian Railway:
- Computers In E-Commerce:
- The Role Of Computers In Weather Forecasting:
- Computers In Desktop Publishing:
- Computers In Industry:
- Computers In Communication:
- Computers In Airlines/Airport:
- Computers At Home:
The Uses Of Computers In Various/Discrete Fields:
Computers In Business Terms:
A computer has become an integrated part of almost every business organization due to its capabilities of doing calculations at very high speed and shows accuracy, reliability, versatility. In business computers can helpful for many purposes like:

- helps in improving the efficiency of the business.
- companies can develop their business at a high extent.
- companies can analyze their projects and activities on the computer screen.
- helps companies in decisions making that what to do next without any delay by analyzing their previous performance.
- helps in keeping track of all accounting information, stocks, prices, items, etc.
- helps in performing those duties very easily which are very complicated and time consuming for humans.
- It is also used in business organizations for payroll calculations, budgeting, managing employee database, etc.
Computers In Education Terms:
Computers become a teacher for learners as they facilitate the education system by providing them many facilities. It is useful in the education system in many ways such as:
- in keeping the record of the student’s fees.
- helpful in analyzing the performance of the students.
- in keeping the record of staff members.
- thousands of websites are available on the internet to teach almost every subject to the learner.
- Nowadays, many educational institutions are there which uses computers to educate their students.
- helps students in preparing their projects like presentations, many other projects also.
- can help you to educate yourself through audios, videos or images.
Computers In Health/Medicinal Field:
Computers have become a relevant part of the medical field. It plays an important role in scanning & diagnosing different types of diseases. It is quite difficult to predict what wrongs are happening inside the body. So, the computers make it easy to diagnose the disease & root of the disease or you can say the cause of illness. Computers can capture, monitor the patient’s internal problems through graphics like images or photographs. It is important in the medical field for the following purposes:
- tests are done & reports are prepared by computerized machines.
- it is also used in operating surgery.
- crucial in keeping records of patients and their medical history.
- significant in detecting the internal system problems which are difficult to detect otherwise.
- keeps track of prescriptions, medicines & billing information.
Computers For Banking:
Computers are used in banks on a large-scale as they are almost totally dependent on the computerized machines. It is quite difficult for the banks to maintain the records of all daily transactions manually that what comes in & what goes out and what is left/remaining at the end of day/month. That’s why computers are used in banks to make their workflow smoothly & to keep records up-to-date. For example, ATM where you can easily deposit or withdraw your money in/from banks respectively. Banks continuously requires the use of computers for many purposes like:
- store record of all banking information like account holder detail, deposits, withdrawals, current balance, checking interest charges, etc.
- keep records of customer’s personal detail like name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, account number, place of employment, etc.
- daily transactions are recorded systematically.
- also used for loan applications & credit card applications.
- Banks use a computer network to get connected with all of its branches so, that customers can deposit/withdraw cash in/from any branch of the same bank.
Computers In Marketing:
In this modern time computer has become the arms of marketing as its conditions depend broadly on the use of computers. It is very significant in making computerized presentations by a company required for business promotion. It is widely used in these two most important purposes:
- Advertisement: It is used for advertisements in different fields such as business advertisements to sell more products/increase business productivity, films advertisements and education advertisements, etc.
- Home-Shopping: Home-shopping has become more easy & possible through the use of computerized catalogs.
Computers in Entertainment:
Nowadays computers has become one the most important source of entertainment. They are very fascinating playing tool for children. The following ways in which the computers has become the cause of delight for the people are:
- watching videos
- watching movies
- playing video games
- photos/images
- films can be made with animations
- listening music
- by doing painting
- can create audios, videos, graphics, visual designs, etc.
Computers In Military:
Computers are widely used in defense. The functioning of modern tanks, missiles, weapons and many other equipments are controlled by computers. The various filed where military needs the use of computers are:
- in tanks controlling.
- used by the military to communicate in coded form.
- in defense operations & planning.
Computers For Government:
Government is also using computers for the following purposes:
- in budgeting.
- weather forecasting.
- in the defense system.
- to maintain sales tax database.
- used by the income tax department.
- in keeping record of payment sharing/circulation among government employees.
- to collect & measure the extensive amount of data like polling data, etc.
- in getting information or updates about the economic status of the country.
Computers In Indian Railway:
The uses of computers multiple-works in railway stations are:
- for reserving tickets.
- fro maintaining timetables
- for managing the daily schedules.
- used for online booking.
- used for analyzing of arrival or departure time of trains at a particular station.
- Automatic door locking system (open & close) in trains such as Tejas Express.
- online information about delay and cancellation of trains due to some issues like technical or weather issues.
- plays a significant role in controlling the movement of trains in underground railways.
Computers In E-Commerce:
E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce & it refers to conduct business on the internet/web. It is mainly used for selling, buying, exchanging of products, services, information. This has been reduced traffic of people in showrooms, shopping molls, etc. It includes the following applications performed via computer networks are:
- can buy stocks online.
- helps in finding jobs.
- home-banking & home-shopping in electronic malls.
- conspiring electronically with businesses around the world.
- useful in providing services to the customers.
- used to increase the marketing of products.
- used for advertising the products.
The Role Of Computers In Weather Forecasting:
It is used all over the world for national as well as international level weather forecasting. It is used to predict the changes in the weather & climate. Supercomputers are used to get information in advance about the weather & climate changes. It is very useful in detecting & predicting the dangers or disasters are going to happen in coming time. So, the living beings do not suffer due to these changes.
Computers In Desktop Publishing:
Computers are highly used in desktop publishing like printed documents. A printed document can include numerical data, photographs, charts, graphs, margins, also other visual component, etc. It is also used to publish books, magazines, newspaper, etc.
Computers In Industry:
Computers are largely used in industrial fields like manufacturing industry, etc. A robot is a programmable machine used to perform complex tasks. Computers are used in industries for an automated production system, used to design the model/design of the products through computer programs.
Computers In Communication:
Computers are the most vital component communication used to connect people through chatting &by sending e-mails. The person sitting in one place can interact with other people using the use of computers through the communication channel. It makes easy for the students to communicate with their classmates 7 subject-teachers to discuss their education-related problems such as homework assignments, group projects, their subject-related doubts during exams, etc.
Computers In Airlines/Airport:
Computer plays a very crucial role in the airline industry:
- used for reservations/online booking.
- used to ensure that flights are flying safely.
- used to control the airport’s air traffic.
- can visually track the location of the planes in the air.
- to check the schedule of the planes to get information that the flight will arrive on the time or delayed/canceled due to any issue.
- used to give instructions to the pilots so that no problem can occur during the flight.
- you can customize travel arrangements according to your requirement at any airport.
Computers At Home:
Computers have proved them very useful at homes to fulfill the following purposes:
- in managing home budgets.
- helpful in education for children.
- use of computers at home for playing games.
- entertainment: watching videos, listening to songs, watching TV shows & drama, etc.
- in getting information through the internet.
- anyone can send or receive messages instantly at any time.
- for chatting with your friends.
- you can buy things online & can pay by credit cards.
- for searching jobs.
- for running a home-based business.