Samsung Galaxy TAB 4 8.0 and Samsung Galaxy TAB 4 10.1 has been launched in India at price of RS 23,960 and Rs 30,498 respectively. The Tab 8.0 and Tab 10.1 launched in India are not the LTE ( SM-T535 / SM-335 ) variants they are basic 3G models ( SM-T530 and SM-330). The the tablets comes with WXGA display 16: 10 screen ratio and draws the strength from 1.2GHz quad core processors.
Both runs on Android 4.4 Kitkat Operating system and features SINGLE SIM with Voice and Vodeo calling capabilities. Samsung has already launched the Galaxy TAB S-8.4 and Tab S-10.5 with fingerprint sensor.
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 SM-330 specifications
- Screen : 8.0-inch 1280 x 800 pixel WXGA display
- CPU : 1.2 GHz quad-core
- OS: Android 4.4 (KitKat)
- Dimensions : 7.9mm thick, weight 323g
- Camera : 3MP fixed Focus rear , 1.3MP front
- Connectivity : 3G HSPA+, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, GPS, GLONASS
- RAM : 1.5GB 1
- ROM : 16GB internal memory
- External Storage : microSD up to 64GB
- Battery : 4450 mAh
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 SM-530 specifications
- Display : 10.1-inch(1280 x 800 pixel
- CPU : 1.2 GHz quad-core Processor
- OS : Android 4.4 Kit-Kat
- Dimensions : 7.9mm thick and weight 495g
- Camera : 3MP FFs rear,1.3MP front-facing
- Connectivity : 3G HSPA+, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, GPS, GLONASS
- RAM : 1.5 gigs
- Internal Storage : 16GB
- Battery : 6800mAh
The Galaxy TAB-4 8.0 and the Tab 4 10.1 are available in Black and White colors. Samsung would launch the WiFi only variant for this devices later on.